Gallery of Art
- "Can You Feel It?" -- A very short story I wrote. It's not
exceptional, but I haven't put anything new on the web page for a while, so I decided to put this on here. I wrote it (and put it on
the web) on 4/8/98 at around 3am. I wrote it at the request of Nora.
- "The Dead" -- Another very short story I wrote today (4/8/98). No
one asked me to write this one. I think it was inspired by listening to the
Shallow Grave
soundtrack too much. I thought of part of it while lying in bed last night, if that gives you any idea
of what I think about when trying to go to sleep.
- "The Machine That Ran On Teen Angst" --
I'm not really sure what inspired this story. I can't even recall when I thought of it. Lately I've been having a lot of
ideas for stories. I really need to write them all down. In any case, I like this story. I came up with the kernel of it
before I began writing, but the rest of it was pretty much written without any advance planning. I'm not sure if the result
is good or not. For the record it was written on 9/11/98.
- "Butterflies" --
A very short "story" I wrote on 10/13/98 while taking the bus to campus. It was inspired by something I saw at the bus stop.
- "Rejection" -- A very short story/episode/dialogue written by
Kafka. Enjoyable.
- My Philosophical Ramblings -- Listen to me
ramble on about life, death,
and other light-hearted topics.
- "The School of Social Work" --
A brief "essay" on the School of Social Work. Written during my Complex Analysis class on 10/13/98.
- "Vending Machines" --
Another brief essay written during my Complex Analysis class on 10/13/98, this time about vending machines.
- "Squares" --
Yet another brief essay written during my Complex Analysis class on 10/13/98, this one on the topic of squares.
- "My Plan" --
Yet still another brief essay (about taking over the world) written in class on 10/13/98.
- "Skydiving" --
Yes! Another essay written in class on 10/13/98. This one is about skydiving.
- "On Office Furniture" --
Written (surprisingly) on 10/13/98, it is my thoughts on office furniture.
- "Cauchy Aging" --
And yes, another essay written on 10/13/98, this one directly inspired by my Complex Analysis class. It's about aging and Cauchy sequences.
- Simple Thanatopsis -- An excellent essay by a friend of mine. It gave me a great deal to think about, and it evoked an emotional response in me. I recommend reading it.
- Untitled -- A very short essay written in April 1999.
- Untitled -- Another short essay, written 7/2/99.
- "Pool Hall Observations" -- Written 7/2/99.
- "Gods and Children" -- Written 7/2/99.
- Untitled -- Written 7/2/99.
- Untitled -- Written 7/2/99.
- Untitled -- Written 9/11/99.
- More Ramblings -- I started this page because
increasingly often I've just wanted to add some small blurb to the web page that I haven't had a lot of time to get
straight in my mind, arrange nicely, etc. I want to write the ideas down before I lose them, and perhaps I will develop
them later into longer essays or stories. So this is kind of like a log of things that occur to me.
- Untitled -- Small blurb written by Scarlett (my ex-wife) a long time ago.
Visual Art
- Early art -- An example of my early artwork. This appears to be a drawing of a green pyramid that has had a net thrown over it. Or something. Damned if I know -- I just drew it. Created prior to 5th grade.
- Early art #2 -- I have no idea how to describe this. It is humanoid, multi-coloured, and appears to have a maze drawn on it. Your guess is as good as mine -- probably better.
- Early art #3 -- Good lord... Lots of colors. Predominantly red and purple. Looks like a structure of some sort. Maybe.
- Early art #4 -- This one is unique, in that I actually signed it. Perhaps I was too ashamed of the others to take credit for them. There is definitely some kind of a building present.
- The Return of Max Nuclear --
One of the janitors at TAMS was named Max and, in addition to being a janitor,
he drew all sorts of comics. I think he also played some musical instrument. Suffice it to say that he was an artist.
Here was one of the posters he put up all over the dorm.
- Zen Janitor -- One of the episodes of Zen Janitor, a comic that Max drew and posted all over the dorm. Destined to be a collector's item someday.
Comic Strips
- Two Angry Kids (#1) -- The first comic strip in a series that was invented by Curtis Klager and myself on 3/3/2000.
- Rumble in PVT -- Filmed on 4/26/00, this movie was completely unscripted and
unrehearsed. Curtis had no foreknowledge of what was to transpire. And the ending was not planned -- I did not
realize the amazing timing until after I had already made the film, and was reviewing it. This is completely unedited
and uncensored. I provide it here for the world to enjoy. Note -- before playing the movie, make sure to set your player
to NOT loop back to the beginning of the movie when it is done playing. Most players have this feature. The movie is
much better if, when it is complete, the player continues to show the final frame. Download the
uncompressed AVI version (62 MB zip file) or the
compressed AVI version (2.6 MB zip file).
- The Web -- I'm not sure where this is going yet. I began it on 12/14/99, but it has been in the back of my mind for a while.
Other Artists
- Phil Ackley -- This man's writing is exceptionally clever and, when he wishes, powerful.
- Andrea Golden -- Be sure to visit her page and read her writings. Poignant and sincere.
- James "Kibo" Parry -- His collection of short stories is incredible and, unfortunately, indescribable.
- Tom Warmbrodt -- His poetry is very good. Direct and insightful.
- Rusty Brooks -- He is an amateur photographer, and I am quite fond of his work.
- Sarah Kraul -- She has posted some of her poetry on her page, and although I hate to employ overused words, it is powerful and deep.
- Joel Thomas -- Although he only has one of his poems on his page, I'll soon have more of them on my page. His poetry is lyrical and surreal.
- Karawynn -- Her page itself is something of a work of art, and also features some of her essays, each of which are intriguing.
- Gossamer into Spiderweb -- I don't know her name, but she has written some fine poetry.
- Tammy Walker -- She writes poetry, sings, and plays music. Prolific and talented.
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